Date: December 29, 2010 5:07:38 AM GMT+08:00
Subject: HOW TO: Attract Early Adopters to Your Social Startup
Source: Mashable!
Author: Shane Snow
Shane Snow is a Mashable contributor, cofounder of the new, and infographic artist at Credit Loan, Wix, and Mint.One of the main challenges for social networks stems from a question ancient philosophers have debated for centuries: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? In social media, the dilemma often takes the form of, “We need users for our network to be useful, but users won’t join the network unless it’s useful.” A social network’s utility is derived from the people belonging to it.The second great challenge in social networking is spreading to new users at a fast and sustainable pace, i.e. viral growth. Virality is the pot of gold every startup yearns for. It can’t be obtained without first solving the chicken-and-egg puzzle.This month, a social startup called Hashable (no relation!) released an iPhone app after a few months in private beta. Hashable helps users make introductions and track their connections and relationships through “people checkins,” using Twitter hashtags and e-mail. Without publicity, Hashable’s private user base grew by itself to more than 5,000 members before the app officially launched.How does a new site like Hashable get past the chicken dilemma, when others can’t? Hashable CEO Michael Yavonditte says he “looked at all the successful networks” when designing his product. “There are things to learn from all successful companies in adjacent spaces,” he says. Here’s a quick look at the science behind some of the most well-known social networks, and how they cracked the philosophical egg.
2010年12月30日 星期四
HOW TO: Attract Early Adopters to Your Social Startup (轉帖)
2010年12月29日 星期三
2010年12月27日 星期一
如何在 30 秒內贏得創投的注意
羅斯是一個名副其實的「連續創業家」(Serial Entrepreneur),在 Web 1.0 時代就創辦過無線網路公司 AirMedia 而被 《Inc. 雜誌》選為 500 位頂尖執行長。從那時候一直活躍到現在,2008 年還被《矽街內線》(Silicon Alley Insider) 網誌,選為矽街百大名人。
羅斯是紐約最知名天使俱樂部 New York Angels 的創辦人暨董事長,也自己搞了一個創投基金Rose Tech Ventures,據說曾經投資的新創公司高達 70 家,經手過上千萬美金的募資,也投出去上千萬美金的資金。他最新的創舉,是用 AngelSoft 平台把全美國的 300 個天使組織連結起來。這個平台每年經手上萬個案子,過去 12 個月來也成功促成了31 個投資案。
所以,當羅斯 2007 年在 TED 跟大家分享他多年來的募資心得,如何在 30 秒內贏得創投的注意,在 10 分鐘內讓他們想要掏出支票簿,這個演講當場成為全美創業家的必看影片。現在,有好心人士幫各位整理了中文字幕,所以我廢話不多說,大家就看吧。
以上引自 Mr. Jamie
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